Hey, I'm Akea👋

I'm a full-stack web developer, optimist and problem solver. I currently work as a full time freelance web developer. Creating beautiful projects and making the web a better place to chill/hangout is my only passion.

Frontend Skills💻

I have huge amount of experience in building and deploying tons of apps, which mainly focuses on frontend part of programming. My main frontend skills for building exceptional web apps are:

  • React + Next.js
  • Typescript + Tailwind
  • Vanilla Javascript with third party libraries

Backend Skills

My backend skills reign into the territory of experts and here are some main backend skills i acquired over the years:

  • Node.js + Python
  • Git + Docker
  • Nginx + Linux systems(managing servers)
  • GraphQL + Redis (plus other databases)


Al though i can learn under any circumstances and work under pressure, my main expertise are JavaScript and Python. I also have many other skills related to web development and server management. Every single detail don‘t needmentioning.

✨ Sayonara Text :3✨

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